Max Code
{"boxes" : [ {"box" : {"maxclass" : "newobj","text" : "print","numoutlets" : 0,"fontsize" : 12.0,"patching_rect" : [ 242.0, 346.0,
Processing Code
import processing.serial.*; float redValue = 0; // red valuefloat greenValue = 0; // green valuefloat blueValue = 0; // blue value Serial myPort; void setup() { size(200, 200); // List all the available
Arduino Code
int m0Clockwise = 1;int m1Clockwise = 1;int m2Clockwise = 1;int m3Clockwise = 1;int m0Delay = 3000;int m1Delay = 3000;int m2Delay = 3000;int m3Delay = 3000; void setup() {// initialize the digital pin as an output.// Pin 13